Paris by Kamps

The Snail

by Georges Mion

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Paris by Kamps

The 2013 Photo Edition

  1. Free PDF
    30859 (Downloads since 12/12/12)

    162 pages, 136 pictures, 12 MB

  2. Print Edition (US and International)
    162 pages, 21 x 21 cm
    Flying Publisher
    25 $ | € | £
    Amazon FR | IT | DE | ES | UK

  3. Paris Map – where the pictures were taken

  4. Preface

  5. The 136 Pictures

The 2013 Guide (May 2013)

  • How to arrive at Paris, where to sleep and eat, how to move and where to go.

Last Exhibition

The Paris by Kamps Spring Exhibition
@ Gallerie B & B
Paris, 19-24 March 2013, 5-7 p.m.

Vernissage in presence of the photographers:
19 March, 6-9 p.m.

Future Development

You may follow the Paris by Kamps development on Facebook.


Paris by Kamps is a guide and photography project by Bernd Sebastian Kamps | et al.

Copyright 2013 Flying Publisher